Immune Booster Shots- 2 Amazing honey recipes for building strong immune system

Busy Bee Immune Booster Syrup:


  • Take 12 oz raw Honey,
  • 1 organic Lemon,
  • 1 tsp Cayenne pepper
  • 2 sticks of organic Cinnamon.

You can add it to your tea or just swallow a spoonful. In order to prevent colds and the flu, take a tsp of this super immune booster every day, especially, when you are sick.


Detox Ginger Slice in Honey


  • 1-inch ginger
  • 2 unwaxed lemons
  • 1 cup honey

This recipe can be made with both peeled and unpeeled ginger. So, use your preference. Just slice the ginger as thinly as possible and keep aside. Slice the lemons thinly. We recommend removing the seeds. Layer the lemon and ginger slices in a mason jar. We recommend using a 16 oz jar. Do not pack everything too lightly. Pour over the honey, making sure that it goes to the bottom. You may want to stir the mix to ensure that the honey goes in between the ginger and lemon slices. Close the jar tightly. Let it marinate for at least 12 hours. Keep the mixture in your fridge to protect from spoiling. You will see that the light lemon and ginger juices tend to come to the top, while the heavier honey settles at the bottom. To use, stir the mix with a spoon. Take a spoon of the lemony-ginger-honey water and add it to a cup of hot or warm water. Your ginger-honey drink is ready. Some people also enjoy eating the honeyed ginger slices!

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